The Studio turns ten.
This month, my Studio, my baby — the Jaron M. LeGrair Studio — is celebrating its 10th anniversary.
A whole decade. Wow.
I’ve waited for this moment for a decade (obviously), but to be honest, I didn’t know I was going to get here, if that makes sense.
I have so much to say, but I don’t even know where to begin.
Ah! Ten years, y’all. TEN YEARS.
When I set out to do this in March of 2013, I didn’t think much about it. I didn’t even know how to “run a business” and I didn’t think I really wanted to, I just knew I wanted a place where people like me could be welcomed and comfortable with their voice.
It wasn’t until I began my Masters studies that I considered running my own private Studio. During undergrad, all I wanted to do was be a Professor of Voice. That was it. But I remember sitting in graduate school formulating this whole idea of my “Studio.”
Yes, even then, I had people who didn’t believe in my vision, but I also had a multitude of folks who did — and that number certainly outweighed the few who didn’t believe in what I wanted to do.
There were times where my Studio was booming and I could barely keep up, and then there were times were I went days and weeks without seeing a client. But through it all, the good and the bad, I kept setting the table — spending countless hours in Starbucks until 4AM or later/earlier depending on the day, coming in straight from my full-time work to my Studio to work on my vision, praying and working and believing God for what I wanted/what He placed in me, even missing events and things to carry out my vision somehow.
But through it all, one of the things that I’m most grateful for is the fact that I’ve been able to run my Studio for ten *consecutive* years. Even when I didn’t have clients, the dream never died. The Studio never was “put on pause.”
In 2019, I almost shut down the Studio because I thought the Studio was washed up. It was back then when I was going through so many hardships. My private life shifted in so many ways, family members and friends were passing away right and left, and I didn’t really see many clients come through my door. I even suffered depression — literally. But, by God’s Grace, and the by the prayers and encouragement of my friends, I pressed on a little while longer… and it was that year *literally* that my life and career began shifting.
By 2020, during the pandemic, my Studio did a complete, unexpected pivot (as with many of our lives as we knew it). But the pivot was a forever game-changer for myself and my business. The Studio started gaining quick traction through social media, on multiple platforms, at the same time. That was a whirlwind in the best way.
As of this month, ten years since my Studio’s inception…
I’ve worked with over 600 wonderfully talented Private Clients — including GRAMMY Award winning and nominated clientele, Stellar Award winning and nominated clientele, Tony Award winning and nominated clientele, Broadway Actors, Actors on Nat’l Tours.
I started a line of tea blends that were sold in Stores!
I began a line of shirts that encouraged vocal health and acceptance!
I have headlined multiple voice-related conferences and symposiums!
I have been a presenter at many voice-related conferences and symposiums including the Estill Voice International, The Voice Foundation, Nat’l Association for Teachers of Singing, Pan-American Vocology Association, Voice And Speech Trainers Association, and more.
I have traveled across the country and around the world on multiple occasions teaching and doing what I love!
As of 2022, I am now fully employed and working for myself!
I have been able to make plans to expand and start to build a team to take the Studio into its next phase.
The Studio has amassed over 150,000 YouTube Subscribers!
The Studio has gained over 350,000 Followers on TikTok!
The Studio has obtained about 100,000 Followers on Instagram!
Through it all, it’s been the Grace of God that has kept myself and my Studio all these years… and this is just the beginning. I wish I could put into words how thankful I am for his provision, and protection, but I honestly can’t so… I’ll just say what I always say…
God is (still) doing it.