Have a video idea you’d like to see Jaron and the Studio do on the socials? Let us know.
Full Breakdowns
The best way for Jaron to consider your suggestion is to become a Jaritone Plus via YouTube Channel Memberships. There, you can suggest videos, enjoy priority voting privileges, and more. Most importantly, you’ll be supporting the Studio in a special way.
Click here to become a Jaritone Plus
Becoming a Jaritone Plus isn’t a means for a guaranteed video, but suggestions and votes made by members will be highly considered and prioritized.
You can always comment on any post of ours or send us a DM of the video you’d like to see Jaron break down as well.
Vertical Breakdowns
Tag/mention the Studio under the video you’d like to see. You can also comment on any post of ours, or send us a DM of the video you’d like to see Jaron break down and we’ll see it .
Interested in a partnership/collab?