
You can reserve an Audit at any time to get feedback about your voice within a few weeks — usually much quicker.

Basically, you’ll send us a hyperlink/URL to an audio or video through the Reservation Form when you reserve your Audit. Once we get the reservation, we’ll take a look and listen to the file provided, and provide some insight and feedback about your voice. You can choose to have your feedback returned to you via a video message or a written message from Jaron himself. The feedback will contain detailed yet concise observations about your voice as well as professional recommendations for vocal betterment and exploration.

To reserve your Audit, just follow the steps from clicking the button below.

Also, be sure to take a look at the Policies & Parameters and the details below to ensure you understand the criterion for Audits.

Reserve Your Audit

A few things to consider while deciding to reserve an Audit with the Studio:

For clarification of expectation, please understand that the video message will be just that — a video message from the Studio containing verbal, candid feedback from the Studio on the submission. The video message will not be an “analysis” of any kind. Additionally the video message will not emulate what Jaron does on social media in any way. There will be no “starting and stopping” of the audio while Jaron “analyzes” the audio or file itself. This is why it is called an “Audit”, not an “analysis.” Please do not reserve an Audit under the notion that you will get a long-form or short-form analysis (like on social media) from Jaron. Being unclear on this is not grounds for any refunds or accommodations of any kind as all fees for services are non-refundable.

Last thing, remember that an “Audit Session” is different than an “Audit.” An “Audit Session” is an actual meeting with the Studio where you will meet Jaron in real time, whereas an “Audit” is not a meeting. You will only interact with the Studio via email. If you would like to more about an “Audit Session”, click here.

For more clarification. please see the Policies & Parameters.