We get it, the Intake Session can seem a little ambiguous and intimidating. Because of that, we thought we’d share some insight and helpful tips for your Intake Session preparation so you can maximize your time with the Studio and so that we can get a in-depth understanding of your voice.

We highly recommend the following tips and tricks to get the best out of your Intake Session:

Come vocally warmed up and ready to go. By this, we just mean vocalize for a little bit - like between five to fifteen minutes before the Session itself. That way, your voice is revved up and ready to go.

Think about and prepare to let us hear your voice. A vital part of the Intake Session is to hear your voice. So we recommend thinking about what you want to render during your session. Remember, for the session, the Studio will not recommend or suggest any material for you to perform, so it is completely up to you to have a piece prepared.


Typically, you will sing for at least two (2) minutes during your Intake Session, however, you can sing the entire song if you so choose — the more, the merrier. This song should be whatever song you’d like. This song can be a song you wrote, a song you know, or a song you’re working on that’s up on its feet.

If you are stumped with a song to choose, you can also choose any song from the playlist we compiled below or use the playlist as idea starter to choose your own song.


Typically, you will speak for at least two (2) minutes during your Intake Session, however, you can sing the entire song if you so choose. This song can be whatever song you’d like. In fact we highly recommend using a song that you choose. This song can be a song you wrote, a song you know, or a song you’re working on that’s up on its feet.

If you’re not sure of what to do for your session, we complied a few excerpts and such from our resources. You can use one of these if you’d like.

This should be enough to get you thinking about your Intake Session with the Studio. And once you confirm your Intake Session with the Studio, you will get more recommendations and instructions via email.

Ready for us to hear you?